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Does your property
have curb appeal?


Dan: 320.815.6145

Add The Finishing Touch To Your Home

Decorative curbing is a continuous concrete border system to bring definition and add value to your property. It is custom colored and textured to bring beauty and definition to your landscape. 


Curbing Preparation

Free Consultation 

We start the process by having an on-site consultation to find out what you are looking for a take accurate measurements for layout, planning, and estimating. You will be presented with pattern and color choices that best fit your property. 

On-Site Layout and Prep

We use spray paint will mark the location where the curbing will be installed. The installation makes very little mess in your yard. We will need access to a water supply for mixing the concrete. 


We follow the spray painted lines to remove sod and debris to make a smooth path for the curbing to lay. 

Curbing Installation

Mixing and Extruding of Concrete

Our curbing machine lays an even path of curbing cement along the entire layout. Steel cable reinforcement is embedded into the center of the curbing to prevent separating and heaving through multiple seasons of drastic temperature changes.


The most critical step of the process is the finishing of the curbing. We pay close attention to trowel your curbing to perfection. Once the curbing is installed we have a variety of stamps to create the desired decorative look. Expansion joints are added to prevent cracking throughout freeze-thaw cycles. 


The final step is to seal the surface to protect the curbing from fading and UV rays. 

Decorative Curbing is Ideal for:

  • Gardens

  • Flowerbeds

  • Tree Islands

  • Walkways

  • Sidewalks

  • Garden Paths

  • Patios

  • Play Areas

  • Sandboxes

  • Mailboxes

  • Utility Islands

Get a free estimate


Phone: 320.815.6145

331 South Columbia Avenue Morris, MN 56267

© 2024 Greeley Curbing

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